Open trailers

The HAPERT AZURE is the most powerful all-round open trailer. Parabolic suspension can be fitted on Azure H2 models measuring at least 335 x 180 cm.
A parabolic suspension system gives an optimal and constant weight distribution over the entire trailer and helps compensate for any unevenness on the road surface. Even if the trailer is fully laden, the parabolic suspension with axle-mounted shock absorbers provides maximum driving comfort and system stability.
In short, trailers with a parabolic suspension axle have a guarantee of:
HAPERT supplies different types of trailers with a gross loading capacity of 3,500 kilograms that are fitted as standard or can be delivered with a parabolic suspension system. A small selection from our assortment:
The HAPERT AZURE is the most powerful all-round open trailer. Parabolic suspension can be fitted on Azure H2 models measuring at least 335 x 180 cm.
The HAPERT COBALT is the strongest tipper in its class. Parabolic suspension can be fitted on Cobalt HM models measuring at least 335 x 180 cm and parabolic suspension is a standard feature of Cobalt+ trailers.
The HAPERT INDIGO is an indestructible flatbed trailer. Parabolic suspension can be fitted on the Indigo HF and LF models (minimum dimensions do not apply).
The HAPERT SAPPHIRE is an ultra-sturdy box trailer. Parabolic suspension can be fitted on Sapphire H2 models measuring at least 335 x 180 cm.
Modern parabolic suspension is significantly lighter and more stable than a traditional leaf spring system. The dampening action of the suspension springs is also different. The action of a parabolic suspension system is virtually linear: the weight of the load is evenly distributed over the entire suspension system.
The action of a traditional leaf spring suspension system is typically non-linear: because of the use of multiple steel leaves, this type of system is stiffer at the start of the spring travel and the trailer's suspension becomes smoother the more the springs are pushed in.
The most important differences are summarised below:
The most important features and advantages
of trailers with a parabolic suspension system are: